Types of registration and fees

Different types of registration are available. Please, see table below and fill the registration form.
Payment: Bank transfer
IBAN: ES59 2085 9357 7603 3037 7538 SWIFT / BIC: CAZRES2Z
Or credit card (sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Type of virtual registration


Virtual Congressperson with 30-days access
290 €

Documentation, ICPME access for 30 days, speaker certificate

Virtual Congressperson with 30-days access member of AEIPRO, APOGEP or IPMA
220 €

Documentation, ICPME access for 30 days, speaker certificate

Virtual Congressperson 2-days access (during the congress)
240 €

Documentation, ICPME access for 2 days, speaker certificate

Virtual attendant with 30-days access
60 € (1)

Documentation, ICPME access for 30 days, attendance certificate MORE INFO

(1) To obtain this price, ask for your discount code.

This edition of the congress is organized as a virtual event in response to the difficulties caused by COVID19. Virtual participation will have a super-reduced fee.

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--- International Congress on Project Management and Engineering ---